Download Video From Youtube

6/13/2009 04:01:00 AM Posted In Edit This 0 Comments »
  • First you need to copy the url of the video you want to download.
  • Paste the url in the url bar at any of sites below:

How to Know If Someone is Blocking You on MSN

6/13/2009 03:57:00 AM Posted In Edit This 0 Comments »
This tricks allow you to know if someone is blocking you on MSN messenger, just follow this step by step:
  • Open msn messenger
  • Click on file
  • Then click on tools
  • On the bottom it say options click on it
  • On the sides go to privacy click on it
  • Click on the MSN name that you want to see if she/he blocked you and then right click if the delete button is available that means the person has blocked you

Hidden Star Wars Movie in Windows XP

6/13/2009 03:51:00 AM Posted In Edit This 0 Comments »
Microsoft has hidden a version of Star Wars done entirely with ASCII characters in the Windows XP operating system.But you must be connected to internet to view it.
When online,

go to start->run.Now type ' telnet ' without the single quotes.See it for yourself.

A Hidden Secret About Ctrl + C

6/13/2009 03:50:00 AM Posted In Edit This 0 Comments »
Please be very careful when u press Ctrl + C ..

Here is some useful information for all.

Ctrl+C may be the most important work we do everyday. But it's not a very safe thing to do.
Read on to know why.

What happens when you press Ctrl+C while you are Online... We do copy various data by
Ctrl + C for copying & pasting elsewhere.

This copied data is stored in clipboard and is accessible from the net by a combination of Javascripts and ASP.

Just try this:
  1. Copy any text by Ctrl + C

  2. Click the Link:

  3. You will see the text you copied was accessed by this web page.
Do not keep sensitive data (like passwords, credit card numbers, PIN etc.) in the clipboard while surfing the web. It is extremely easy to extract the text stored in the clipboard to steal your sensitive information.

Different ways to shutdown ur pc

6/13/2009 01:08:00 AM Posted In Edit This 0 Comments »
There are so many different ways to turn off your Windows XP computer, let's look at some of them:

1. The standard approach - click the Start Button with your mouse, then select the Turn Off menu and finally click the Turn Off icon on the Turn Off computer dialog. blink.gif

2. Press Ctrl+Esc key or the Win key and press u two times - the fastest approach.

3. Get the Shutdown utility from - it add the shut down shortcuts for you. Else create them yourself using approach 4.

4. Create a shutdown shortcut on your desktop. Right click on the desktop, choose New Shortcut and type shutdown -s -t 00 in the area where you are asked to specify the location of the program file. Now you can just double click this icon to turn off the computer. The best location would be your quick launch bar.

5. Press the Win key + R key to open the run window. Type shutdown -s -t 00. [s means shutdown while t means the duration after which you want to initiate the shutdown process].

If some open processes or application won't let you turn off, append a -f switch to force a shut down by closing all active processes.

6. Win+M to minimize all windows and then Alt+F4 to bring the Turn Off computer dialog.

7. Open Windows Task manager (by right clicking the Windows Task bar or Alt+Ctrl+Del) and choose Shut down from the menu. Useful when the Windows are not responding.

8. open task manager--->click on shutdown--->hold the ctrl key and click on Turn off::::::: pc will be turned off in 3 secs.. fastest method other than hard shutdown