Trick to Name a New Folder with name "CON"

6/17/2009 12:55:00 PM Posted In Edit This 0 Comments »

Do you know that you cannot create a folder or file named "CON"(without the quotes) anywhere on

your PC.If you don't yet know about this go forward and try it yourself.Try creating a folder named

"CON"(without the quotes) anywhere on your hard disk and i am sure you wont be able to do so.

But the bigger challenge is this one !!!

Just copy from here "СON" (without the quotes) and rename your folder then paste.Yes you will be successful now!!!Isn't that strange.

If you write this somewhere else and copy it from there, it wont work.This is the magic.

Reason:The reason is that i am using Unicode.Instead of 67 as the ASCII code of C ,in the unicode,its code is 1057.That is why i am able to make a folder by this name.


6/17/2009 12:36:00 PM Posted In Edit This 0 Comments »
Start > Run > Copy


and then Paste, or press and hold the Start + r .

EASY WAY to fix corrupted file in win xp

6/17/2009 12:30:00 PM Posted In Edit This 0 Comments »
This tutorial has been made so people that are having problems with corrupted files, can learn how to fix them easy.
1. Windows XP operating system
2. Windows XP cd
Now, follow this steps:
1. Place the xp cd in your cd/dvd drive
2. Go to start
3. run
4. type in 'sfc /scannow' (without the ')
Now it should all load, and fix all your corrupted file on win XP

Disabling Balloon Tips

6/17/2009 12:25:00 PM Posted In Edit This 0 Comments »
1. Start Regedit

2. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Curre ntVersion\Explorer\Advanced\

3. Create a DWORD value of EnableBalloonTips

4. Give it a value of 0