How To Create a Shortcut or Hotkey To Safely Remove USB

5/29/2009 02:01:00 AM Posted In Edit This 0 Comments »
Usually we remove Hardware by Clicking "Safely Remove Hardware" Icon Present in System Tray.Instead of doing that we can do a small hack to Launch "Safely Remove Dialog Box" by Creating Shortcut or assigning Hotkey(Best Method).

Right-click on the desktop and choose New -->Shortcut
Then paste in the following into the location box:
RunDll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL hotplug.dll

Next Give a Shortcut name, here i have given it as Safely Remove

Right-click on the Created Shortcut icon.

Open the properties dialog, then go to the Shortcut tab.

Now Assign a Shortcut key (Here i have assigned CTRL+F2).
Close the dialog box.

This hotkey will make a Fast launch of Safely Remove Dialog Box