Remove Your Yahoo Id From Victim's addlist

5/28/2009 02:13:00 AM Posted In Edit This 0 Comments »
If some one is annoying you on yahoo messenger and keep on irritating you by sending spam related messages, its now time to remove that lamer out from your and as well as his/her addlist. There are many yahoo exploits software's out which can remove your yahoo id from victim addlist. You can google it and find by the name of buddy deny or remove yahoo buddy.

I will post soon some good list of yahoo buddy remove tools only if i got request from you guys.

Mean while while surfing on internet i found a good website which provides the similar feature of removing of your yahoo id from victim yahoo messenger add list. So it saves your time and also no need of downloading the yahoo buddy removed exploits to your PC.

Below is the link of website, just click it and enjoy.